Protocol for Services During Corona Virus

Protocol for Services During Corona Virus

Protocol for Services During Corona Virus

For information on where to buy Tape, Glues, etc check out:

Hello Berkowits Community,

After our last blog on “How to Service Your Hair System during Lockdown” a lot of you reached out to us showing concerns that you have run out of tapes/glues/hair loss medicines or your existing hair needs a haircut. We have taken an essential services license for our Kailash Colony clinic to cater to such cases.


Please note the following protocol will be followed for the safety of our staff and clients.


  1. Only 3 Appointments to be given at any particular time to ensure minimal contact between clients. Please ensure you book your appointment in advance.

Note: Clients without appointments will not be entertained

  1. All clients are urged to wear a mask and come alone to minimize exposure.
  2. We suggest you do not avail of a full service at this time and rather buy the necessary supplies needed such as Glue, Tape, Glue Remover, etc. unless it’s an absolute emergency. It is also advisable that you call beforehand to ensure the availability of stock.
  3. We will need a minimum of 20 minutes between appointments to decontaminate the service rooms.
  4. Our clinic will be staffed to the bare minimum, please be patient if we are unable to give you an appointment immediately.
  5. Please avoid coming to the clinic at all costs if you are experiencing any symptoms like coughing or fever (No matter how mild).
  6. In case any client is having difficulty traveling due to the curfew, they can contact us and a copy of our essential services pass can be arranged for them. (It is advised you tell the authorities you have an appointment at a hair and skin clinic)


We have taken all the necessary precautions at our end but please understand the risks beforehand and be safe.

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